Found: More Videos!

July 31, 2008


Last night I tried once again to get into my work computer, but alas.. I could not. I remembered that there were these videos!

When I sit by my heater now, it makes me a bit sad.

Block Rocking

July 31, 2008


It’s time for some block rocking beats, ie: driving home and jamming out double hard on some late 80’s beats.

News Bash

July 31, 2008


Magnificent bastard

I just got off the phone with Justin, and found out that he’ll be leaving this Sunday to go on a trip for two weeks (I think he’s going to New York, Texas, and some other places around the U.S.). In that time, he doesn’t trust his roommates to watch after Truman, and asked my mother and I to watch him.

I’m pretty excited to hang out with that little bastard, and have a dog around that I feel really close to. It has been strange that I haven’t really connected with the dogs in house – I know, who cares right? It’s been strange though. I don’t care for Margot, she’s yappy, whiney, and pees. I love Iggy to death, but he is too needy and peed on my computer tower (he is banned from my room indefinitely). The cat is a welcomed visitor who can scale the dog fence into my room, and quietly lurks and leaves on her own accord.

Truman is similar in that he doesn’t give a shit about you, just how good of a pillow you are – and any possible snacks you may be hiding in your pocket for him to steal and run away with. Ahh..

Sunday is when Justin will be taking off, so maybe I’ll have some time this weekend to hang out with Truman!


I never noticed the Japanese tourist peace sign in this photo before.
Love it.

Found: Photos

July 30, 2008

Duck Intestine,

I was cleaning out my folders and files on my work computer. I found a bunch of photos that weren’t on either my laptop or pc at home, and felt all nostalgic. It’s amazing that we only spent a month actually “together”, and yet the photos seem yellowed with age.

Bat Fastards

July 30, 2008

20th Century Man,

Kitty and I are still laying in bed.. I should probably get dressed and go to the doctor’s appointment soon. I’m assuming right now you’re trying to find a signal, and cursing the Indian wilderness. I hope you’re still having a lot of fun anyway.

Cardigan Love

July 30, 2008

Short Stack,

I had all these great ideas for when I got home of what I wanted to do. I left work at around 7pm, and while I was driving I was thinking of making a short stop-motion movie about me getting ready for bed. You know, the shoes magically flying off and putting themselves away, my jacket falling off my shoulders and folding itself up, etc. I got home and realized I left my tripod and light stand at Renee’s house! Yargh. I tried to see if Noele had a tripod in her room, but I couldn’t find one. Boo. So, instead I did some of the facebook work.

Did that for awhile, and thought, ooh! I could still edit down that time lapse video of Evan’s desk! So I stopped working for a bit and tried to log into my work computer that has all the video files on it. After trying about 5 times, I gave up. It just didn’t want to connect. So, pretty much all I did was finish up work, and take a couple weird photos.

You expressed some interest in the sweater. I agree. It photographs well. I mostly wanted to take some photos in front of the pattern on my bed spread. I tried laying down and holding the camera, and a bunch of different variations, but they all ended up not looking right (I hate how picture’s look when you can see the arm reaching out that is OBVIOUSLY holding the camera). So I created a makeshift tripod, set it down in front of my bed, and took photos. The third photo on the right was taken sideways, and turned on it’s side to just look like a strange normal portrait.

So could you tell it was a little boring tonight? I hope camping is going well, and that your drivers quit drinking coffee or whatever it was they were doing that was holding up your fun. You’re supposed to call me soon, but I’m not sure if you’ll get reception. If you can’t get a signal, I’m imaging you’ll probably be all “putain” this and “batard” that :B

It’s almost midnight, so I’m heading off to bed. Tomorrow is the doctor’s appointment, so I’ll get to sleep in a little maybe? Nah, I’ll probably still wake up at 8 and just lay around in bed and get a headache again.

Impulse Buy

July 29, 2008

Beans and Franks,

So I was just at and got the camera buying feelings stirring. So I went on amazon and finally got that goddamn underwater camera and an 8gig flash card for the nikon. In all it was about $300. Um, woops?

I will make an underwater movie about my toes.

Oh ho ho ho!!

July 29, 2008

Random stuffz

July 29, 2008

This post will be a succession of rather random stuff I came across on my errands.
Apart from shopping we went to a sweet restaurant today. The food tasted awesome but with the spices and all, I always feel full very quickly and never finishes my plate.
Delicious indian yoghurt. This one was looking especially delightful ( and the best i ve tasted )

I got this delicious indian yoghurt, the " lassi". This one was looking especially delightful ( and maybe the best i ve tasted)

a very sweet design of salt...

a very sweet design of salt...

... and pepper !

... and pepper !

In eletronic shops they sell the most old shit you can imagine. Do you remember this at the beginning of internet ?

In eletronic shops they sell the most old shit you can imagine. Do you remember this at the beginning of internet ?

A cheap indian remake of GTA ?

A cheap indian remake of GTA ?

the noisy traffic in the town center

D  ( 150 000 dollars )

a huge statue shop. The pillar at the center was crazy sculpted ( i have no idea how they could sculpt crazy details on the inside... ) and was worth 7 millions rupees :D ( 150 000 dollars )

some tables at the statue shop. I had to stop taking photos after because a guard told me it was baaaad

some tables at the statue shop. I had to stop taking photos after because a guard told me it was baaaad

So... If france was scooter land...

So... If france was scooter land...

...then this is scooter world o_o DUH.  They're really everywhere.

...then this is scooter world o_o DUH. They're really everywhere.

Indian are good at reusing anything anyhow.

Indian are good at reusing anything anyhow.

There they are ! Waiting for you to "ooooh pigeon" them.

There they are ! Waiting for you to "ooooh pigeon" them.

zhee brand

zhee brand

That’s all ! I’m all packed for the camping. We re all gonna leave in that school like bus. I guess we ll sing stupid songs, enjoy team activities, talk of sweet memories around the campfire and become incredible friends-colleagues :V

Once again, take care of your little delicous you that I’ll see soon on skype :B