What DO We Like?

July 17, 2008

Duck ass,

It’s always hard to figure out what music we’ll both be able to enjoy. Well, I know you enjoy phat intense beats and violins, so maybe you’ll like the delightful phatiosity of M83. Noele put them in the mix on my ipod.

Hehehe I knew it !

July 17, 2008

Dear honey,

Guessed that you would notice this lonely comment on flickr. Didnt thought you d make a comment about it though. Was showing the photos to mam, and realized I had forget to answer Noelle’s comment who was aimed at me ! Corrected that before it was too late :U

You never have bad breath either sweetie. Something to do with our brown skin I suppose.
… However I hope I dont smell like puppies too much.

Conquering the France sounds delightful too ! I help ?
How could we share all the photos we took ? You have a lot of photos I’d like to have around like that sad pink scooter smiley, or the plasticbagcat magic photo serie ! Any ideas to share gigs of photos when far from 6 thousands miles ?

PS: mummy porn sounds like a good way to make more moniez.


July 17, 2008

I sees you!

I sees you're online! Atleast 88 seconds ago..

I Have This Theory..

July 17, 2008

That you never have bad breath because you always brush your teeth for at least five minutes. Something about maybe the toothpaste sitting in your mouth reaches all the appropriately filthy places, and even though you aren’t actively moving the toothbrush, your mouth is getting exponentially cleaner.

So I’ve started trying this.

Must remember to forget

Must remember to forget the toothbrush

I don’t know, maybe walking around and brushing my teeth isn’t my thing. I don’t know how you do it. You just walk around with a toothbrush in your mouth and continue doing mundane tasks. Just now I was trying to do some stuff on the computer, and was so afraid I was going to drool all over my delicious sweater. (Isn’t it delicious? OMG I KNOW SRZLY RIGHT!!) I’m just not meant to have the breath of babies, puppies, and flowers, like you.

Oh right I’m supposed to be driving to work right about now. I’m going to listen to the sweet mp3 mix Noele put on my ipod called “LE FRANCE” which is 100 songs of awesome that I listened to on my flight back home.

I’m not sure why, but the sound of lapping water reminds me of you, and makes me somehow sad. Freudians, go nuts, but perhaps it makes me think of vacation and summer.

Behind the Screams

July 17, 2008

FreDerek Zoolander,

About 20 layers for this badboy

About 20 layers for this badboy

For some reason I found this really hilarious. This is the photoshop setup for making your Jet Pack picture. My reference photos were pretty great.

I should definitely photoshop the rest of our vacation photos to make it look like we conquered the entire country of France with use of jetpacks, lasers, and cyborg flying death machines. (French pigeons.) I swear I should work for a really shitty tabloid, one of those newspapers that creates the “Found: 1 million year old mummy performing fellatio on 2 million year old mummy!” articles. Maybe a job like that would destroy my soul though, like if I were to ever do graphics for the porn industry. I’d be tainted and dirtied up for life, my portfolio would be a disgrace of flesh and mummies. What?

Should probably go to work now..
Here’s to the 45 minute commute without you in my front seat.

Dear Heart,

http://www.flickr.com/people/jeanjulien/  Here is the flickr of someone you heard about a few times. He is the colleague of pierre on switch, and the one who made the cool movie about hong kong ( that carlos talked about )

A bit like you he doesnt go anywhere without his baby the D70, he takes some nice pictures of hong kong .  Connect with my account to see his stuff ( my password is the same as usual ).

Right now im making some kind of planning to know which friend I see when, because I was starting to get  crossed meeting times with multiple friends… Blah ! Messy.

Oh my..

July 17, 2008

Dear Fred,

Your “Engrish” is amazing. Don’t ever learn English any better than you do now, I love it too much.

Vehicle shooting today

July 17, 2008

Dear baby,

Keep that book around in case. It may still come in handy as a side help for the formal classes. Descendre les poubelles, histoire, elle va a fac,… Well you’re still learning things right ? :D

Can’t wait to help you revise your lessons for the classes though !

So, when I went to take care of that heating laptop thing I didnt came accross a lot of nice things to take in picture but I thought a few may interest you…

A huge car from a ridiculous future !

Kinda reminded me that ridiculous dolphin boat in cannes…

Cute old style red vespa !

smartland !

I found it ! The place where make baby smart, duck !
Next time you come we’ll rent one :) It was just outside the gare de lyon !

Their slogan is the most denying of reality i ve ever read though :
” ceux qui ne l aiment pas n existent pas ” ( = ” those who dont like it, do not exist.”) As simple as that !

Au secours!

July 17, 2008


handy and relevent

handy and relevent

I forgot to tell you that I bought a french phrase book while I was wandering around the Heathrow airport. It was £7, so I bought it and some chocolate. Now I can say “Quand dois-je sortir les poubelles” in your native language. I intently read it on the plane home for about an hour until I felt stupid and decided I really need formal classes.

Empty Rooms

July 17, 2008


It's like a mugshot

It's like a mugshot

I was going to take a photo for you of how dirty my room is. When I was packing everything to come see you, I threw everything all over the place and only nicely folded what I was taking. I think I even re-packed things a couple of times – unfolding then folding them again.

I almost didn’t want to pack all of your clothes you left with me. I considered keeping one of your t-shirts. “Just in case”. They didn’t smell like you, they had been sitting in a bag on my floor long enough to lose any aromas or flavors.. but then I imagine you all sad and in India with nothing to wear. God forbid.

But anyway, I found this photo on my computer that we took, what, the second day of my trip to Paris? I don’t remember. I think it was “who can make bigger cartoon eyeballs”. You only won because I think we just woke up and my eye sockets weren’t at maximum cartoon capacity. There WILL be a rematch.

This was basically an entry to tell you “I was going to take a picture but I found this picture, and decided not to take the picture.”