Behind the Screams

July 17, 2008

FreDerek Zoolander,

About 20 layers for this badboy

About 20 layers for this badboy

For some reason I found this really hilarious. This is the photoshop setup for making your Jet Pack picture. My reference photos were pretty great.

I should definitely photoshop the rest of our vacation photos to make it look like we conquered the entire country of France with use of jetpacks, lasers, and cyborg flying death machines. (French pigeons.) I swear I should work for a really shitty tabloid, one of those newspapers that creates the “Found: 1 million year old mummy performing fellatio on 2 million year old mummy!” articles. Maybe a job like that would destroy my soul though, like if I were to ever do graphics for the porn industry. I’d be tainted and dirtied up for life, my portfolio would be a disgrace of flesh and mummies. What?

Should probably go to work now..
Here’s to the 45 minute commute without you in my front seat.