Hehehe I knew it !

July 17, 2008

Dear honey,

Guessed that you would notice this lonely comment on flickr. Didnt thought you d make a comment about it though. Was showing the photos to mam, and realized I had forget to answer Noelle’s comment who was aimed at me ! Corrected that before it was too late :U

You never have bad breath either sweetie. Something to do with our brown skin I suppose.
… However I hope I dont smell like puppies too much.

Conquering the France sounds delightful too ! I help ?
How could we share all the photos we took ? You have a lot of photos I’d like to have around like that sad pink scooter smiley, or the plasticbagcat magic photo serie ! Any ideas to share gigs of photos when far from 6 thousands miles ?

PS: mummy porn sounds like a good way to make more moniez.

One Response to “Hehehe I knew it !”

  1. Serene Says:

    Brown skin? This can’t be the answer. At all. I’ve smelled some stinky breath coming from some brownies before..

    Also puppy breath is supposed to be delicious and neutral and like a warm breeze ooh.

    I can upload the photos maybe to an ftp or something? Bleagh that might suck too hard, there’d be no preview mode. Hmm. I dunno maybe we should make our own flickr for dumping photos for both of us to use/edit/post.

    It’s gotta be more than 6 thousand miles..

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