I Have This Theory..

July 17, 2008

That you never have bad breath because you always brush your teeth for at least five minutes. Something about maybe the toothpaste sitting in your mouth reaches all the appropriately filthy places, and even though you aren’t actively moving the toothbrush, your mouth is getting exponentially cleaner.

So I’ve started trying this.

Must remember to forget

Must remember to forget the toothbrush

I don’t know, maybe walking around and brushing my teeth isn’t my thing. I don’t know how you do it. You just walk around with a toothbrush in your mouth and continue doing mundane tasks. Just now I was trying to do some stuff on the computer, and was so afraid I was going to drool all over my delicious sweater. (Isn’t it delicious? OMG I KNOW SRZLY RIGHT!!) I’m just not meant to have the breath of babies, puppies, and flowers, like you.

Oh right I’m supposed to be driving to work right about now. I’m going to listen to the sweet mp3 mix Noele put on my ipod called “LE FRANCE” which is 100 songs of awesome that I listened to on my flight back home.

I’m not sure why, but the sound of lapping water reminds me of you, and makes me somehow sad. Freudians, go nuts, but perhaps it makes me think of vacation and summer.