Vehicle shooting today

July 17, 2008

Dear baby,

Keep that book around in case. It may still come in handy as a side help for the formal classes. Descendre les poubelles, histoire, elle va a fac,… Well you’re still learning things right ? :D

Can’t wait to help you revise your lessons for the classes though !

So, when I went to take care of that heating laptop thing I didnt came accross a lot of nice things to take in picture but I thought a few may interest you…

A huge car from a ridiculous future !

Kinda reminded me that ridiculous dolphin boat in cannes…

Cute old style red vespa !

smartland !

I found it ! The place where make baby smart, duck !
Next time you come we’ll rent one :) It was just outside the gare de lyon !

Their slogan is the most denying of reality i ve ever read though :
” ceux qui ne l aiment pas n existent pas ” ( = ” those who dont like it, do not exist.”) As simple as that !