Chef d’oeuvre

July 18, 2008

Dear wonderwoman,
10 seconds of squidness.

( Sorry for the lame quality )

Hmmm india ?

July 18, 2008

O desirable candy,

I’m not sure of what I think of working in India. When I came for the interview 9 months ago, I only cared working for Dabeldubbah!works ® ! Would that happen in India or USA, was secundary !

The cultural shock ? I dont think it will happen again really. I spent one month there so I know a bit what i’m going to deal with. I ve been told that working there would be quite different however.
I’m excited to be able to enjoy tourism / work mode again like in california also. I think the cultural shock will be lessened by the fact that Bangalore is the most cosmopolite city in India. I am kind of going to leave in a safe bubble in India you know. Might be the best way to discover the country: living in good conditions and being close enough of awesome places to visit in the week ends.

We ll see.

My main concern is the fact that we re gonna be at opposite place on earth, making chatting and talking a lot more difficult. I also heard that our appartment were not yet finished today ! Maybe i ll have to stay at a hotel first. Hopefully a gigantic palace with 76 pools and minions of indians serving my will and massaging my toes.

I’m also very excited that they open the first french bakery in Bangalore almost at the same time ( truth. and directed by a french i think ). Looks like they were expecting us. HURRAY !

Important note: Mustache are EXTREMELY fashionable in India. They LOVE them. They WEAR them. You could probably SELL painting of them. Interested ?

You know we both enjoy a good mustache

You know we both enjoy a good mustache

Bad Bad

July 18, 2008

Dr. Funk,

Hiding in my mustache

Hiding in my mustache

I. Smell. Terrible. Not even like.. unwashed hair, but like I smell like skin. Just sitting here I can smell myself and it’s pungent. I really need to do laundry, I haven’t unpacked my luggage yet, and I’ve just been randomly pulling clothes out of it, in hopes that they’re clean. Note: they aren’t clean. The t-shirt and jeans I pulled off the floor yesterday left me feeling like a hot mess at 11 in the morning.

Time to scrub the filth and sins from my soul. Ooh with that delicious Lush soap you bought!

Dude bro!

July 18, 2008


Don’t even worry about it. Whether you were online or not, I would have done the same thing: sit at my desk, look at flickr, eat dinner sitting at my desk, read blogs, and stare at facebook and attempt to figure out what the hell is going on with that goddam website. So I’d say apology accepted, but there’s no reason to make any apologies. If I had an alarm go off at 4am, chances are I’d be a walking zombie and go back to sleep as well.

I woke up at 6:30am again today. It’s strange how utterly aware I am about how much time the routine of going to work takes up. This will only be my second day back at work, and already I feel my days don’t belong to me. Of course I love my time spent there, but after waking up with you and saying “What do we want to do today? Let’s go climb a mountain”, it pales in comparison. Most things do.

This makes me wonder if I could survive an unscheduled life. If I were to become freelance, or somehow support myself and command my own day. Goddamn that idea frightens me beyond belief. I love being handed a paycheck and being pat on the head way too much for that. But like most things, I convince myself they’re not for me or become hopelessly afraid or uninterested in them without giving them a real chance. Maybe this is the case, and I could actually be a private detective superhero space.. person.

In a couple days you’re going to be in India. Write me an entry on that subject will ya? Are you scared? Moving to California on your contract probably didn’t seem like a huge culture shock as much as Bengalore, or do you not think you’ll be that affected by it?



July 18, 2008

Loving love lover,

I dont know what to do show my sorryness but here’s a video of a hedgehog that gilles showed me, anyway. He makes funny moves at the beginning but at the end he’s an icone of cuteness.

A yes ?

We used to find some in my garden in that countryside house, but I was always seeing them hidden in zhee spineball form.

I totally failed²

July 18, 2008

I was totally not on skype at 4 am today.
Apparently I woke up, stopped the alarm , went back to sleep and forgot everything about it.

Knowing how more difficult it is going to be to skype together when I will be in India, and when I ll be working, I feel like this is a terrible stupid loss. I’m sorry : (
Next time i will put the alarm clock 10 feet away from my bed so that my long arms can’t reach it from the bed. Or maybe i’ll just build a robot programmed  to kick my ass at 4 am until I start skype ?

It sucks to imagine you waiting for me and being disapointed…

And All Was Blown Away

July 18, 2008

You're totally not on skype..

You're totally not on skype..

Pet Names

July 18, 2008


Just got home from my first day back at work. The drive wasn’t that bad today. I found myself zoning out pretty hard and singing like a retard and hauling ass down the freeway. That’s the only positive part of not commuting to work with you anymore – I can sing really loud to music you’d probably hate. Also I don’t have to listen to your French summer block buster jams, which is a positive as well. Ahh, just kidding.. Am I? (A mystery!)

I digress. The point of this entry is to discuss pet names. This blog has made me realize how terrible I am with them, and you stick to the sugar-coated standard old favorites like a normal person. I guess I have a fear of being “sweet” or romantic in any normal way. I feel uncomfortable saying things like “honey” and “sweetheart”. I instead say things like “sugary ass” or “sweet tits”. I realize this doesn’t have the same effect as your nick names for me, but I can’t help it. It’s kind of like how I can’t refer to anything that isn’t animal/fred related as “cute”. I stumble over my words when I’m hanging out with other girls and they’re excited about, I don’t know, a BABY or something. They’ll be cooing and awing, and I’ll be back a distance and say something like, “Well that’s nice. It’s one of those!”

People have suggested it’s because I haven’t had contact with this kind of stuff. My parent’s didn’t have nick names for each other. They called each other Mom and Dad. Also I never hung out with younger kids or cute things – I never babysat, and I was the youngest of three. The idea of a how to interact with a tiny human is mind boggling. The idea of calling someone by a well known cute name makes a knot in my stomach. It doesn’t come naturally, and it feels embarrassing. I of course don’t mind if other people hug babies or call me honey, I just feel I should confess how foreign it is to me. Maybe I need to hang around some babies more often..

Yo DJ,

So the coworkers did a pretty sweet prank while I was gone, and I came back to this. Man my office rules.

Also you missed a party that was held for your company today, I’m pretty sure. They had some blow-up bouncing thing set up in the grass, and a rock climbing wall that they brought outside. I shit you not. Also tomorrow there is another drinking party in my office, and at the end of July there is going to be a campus wide party outside in the amphitheater. You have to come back, there is too much ridiculous stuff going on!

Private Antics

July 18, 2008

Donkey Cakes,

I created a “private” category, just so we can file away our secret messages to one another. Oh snappy!