Bad Bad

July 18, 2008

Dr. Funk,

Hiding in my mustache

Hiding in my mustache

I. Smell. Terrible. Not even like.. unwashed hair, but like I smell like skin. Just sitting here I can smell myself and it’s pungent. I really need to do laundry, I haven’t unpacked my luggage yet, and I’ve just been randomly pulling clothes out of it, in hopes that they’re clean. Note: they aren’t clean. The t-shirt and jeans I pulled off the floor yesterday left me feeling like a hot mess at 11 in the morning.

Time to scrub the filth and sins from my soul. Ooh with that delicious Lush soap you bought!

3 Responses to “Bad Bad”

  1. Fred Says:

    For the few times you actually smelled a tiny little bit through your delightful deodorant… I loved it. Yeah, even if it sounds nasty.
    I think you sweat concentrated colorful butterflies and fruity teddy bears holding candy bars.

    I hope this is not too scary.

    Is this blog getting intimately nasty ?

    Ps: So how are the lush soaps in the end ?

  2. Serene Says:

    How are the Lush soaps in the end? I don’t know. I haven’t tried them there. BADUM-CHHH!!!

    Yes this blog is getting nasty. Only because my filth level (hygiene-wise and perverty-wise) is overwhelming.

  3. Serene Says:

    Also I know what you mean about not minding the stink. You stink sometimes. It’s gross, but in some twisted way it’s not that bad. Sometimes people smell so bad I want to hit them, we have yet to have this issue.

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