Pet Names

July 18, 2008


Just got home from my first day back at work. The drive wasn’t that bad today. I found myself zoning out pretty hard and singing like a retard and hauling ass down the freeway. That’s the only positive part of not commuting to work with you anymore – I can sing really loud to music you’d probably hate. Also I don’t have to listen to your French summer block buster jams, which is a positive as well. Ahh, just kidding.. Am I? (A mystery!)

I digress. The point of this entry is to discuss pet names. This blog has made me realize how terrible I am with them, and you stick to the sugar-coated standard old favorites like a normal person. I guess I have a fear of being “sweet” or romantic in any normal way. I feel uncomfortable saying things like “honey” and “sweetheart”. I instead say things like “sugary ass” or “sweet tits”. I realize this doesn’t have the same effect as your nick names for me, but I can’t help it. It’s kind of like how I can’t refer to anything that isn’t animal/fred related as “cute”. I stumble over my words when I’m hanging out with other girls and they’re excited about, I don’t know, a BABY or something. They’ll be cooing and awing, and I’ll be back a distance and say something like, “Well that’s nice. It’s one of those!”

People have suggested it’s because I haven’t had contact with this kind of stuff. My parent’s didn’t have nick names for each other. They called each other Mom and Dad. Also I never hung out with younger kids or cute things – I never babysat, and I was the youngest of three. The idea of a how to interact with a tiny human is mind boggling. The idea of calling someone by a well known cute name makes a knot in my stomach. It doesn’t come naturally, and it feels embarrassing. I of course don’t mind if other people hug babies or call me honey, I just feel I should confess how foreign it is to me. Maybe I need to hang around some babies more often..

4 Responses to “Pet Names”

  1. Fred Says:

    I actually think the nicks you give to me on the blog are hilarious, in a positive way :)
    I havnt been able to do the same yet and has only sticked with a will a new combination of cute words in every post, but it was in my mind to go the same way as you because i love it !

    I am the younger of two, I never babysat, I ve never called my parents dad or mom ( momo may sound close to mom in english but not in french ! ) and even though I love kids, i’ve never thought that a screaming reddish pack of flash was considerable as cute.
    I start considering little humans interesting when they are able to run in a stupid way, roll out or avoid making shrieking noises that break glasses and nuts.

    Enjoy your music, but i want to hear you sing loudly sometime.

  2. Serene Says:

    At least you “love kids”. I could never say that I love kids. They make me anxious. They’re unpredictable, and chances are, they’re going to hit me with something and run away laughing. Totally not my thing. Amazingly though, yes, your little brother is adorable, and he is the ONLY kid I’m able to say that about because I respect the little dude for being so creative and different.
    shrieking noises that break glasses and nuts? Man. There’s an image. Do you mean.. like man nuts? That’s awful!

  3. Fred Says:

    of course it is.

    That s strange, you should be afraid of rupert. The little laurent is the thing that probably hit me the most in my life, with my other brother. Most kids usually dont throw balloons at my head : o

  4. Serene Says:

    throwing a balloon? oh no!
    (even though yeah, they were deflated balloons wrapped around the end of a stick, so basically he was just throwing a stick..)

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