
July 19, 2008

Nevermind. I’ll be here the rest of the day.

I Yearn for Video

July 19, 2008


I need to get that damn little underwater camera! I didn’t realize how much I use video until I gave you my camera. I prefer you be able to take picture and video, and now that you have one I need an upgrade ;B

I’m going to take a short nap before I go to band practice. I didn’t get to do the stuff I wanted today, I went to the coffee shop but Sean wasn’t around, so I got a bagel and headed to the phone store to get my iPhone hooked up. I had to wait around for awhile and listen to two highschool girls talking about why they’re mothers are deceiving them, but luckily I downloaded the Super Monkey Ball application on the iPhone and passed my time with it. After about 15 minutes, the guy working at the phone store told me that unless I brought a certain kind of cable it couldn’t be hooked up today. Oh well.

So I came home and cleaned the shiiiit out of my room instead. That made me feel a lot better atleast, just not seeing everything thrown all around the place, and finally unpacking my luggage.

Wake Up Hair

July 19, 2008


I have some intense morning hair. I just remembered a little bit of a dream I had last night. I was going swimming with my coworkers, and I was walking to the water when I realized I hadn’t shaved my underarms or legs in a long time. Also, I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts and hiding myself. My t-shirt was too tight, and somehow I was already covered in water, and I felt really silly about everything.

look at that one defiant strand!

look at that one defiant strand!

What’s In It

July 19, 2008

Eyes and a Face,

I want to name something Ibi. Not something inanimate, something living. Maybe a cat or a child. I want neither of these things for myself anytime soon. Maybe I’ll use the name on something useless so the thought can leave me.


July 19, 2008

My you,

This is quite an informal post:

Setting up is long and tedious. I m looking for cd’s and cables everywhere. I wont be home for your morning, but i ll be there for the afternoon.

Here is something that is good to kill boredom. Maybe you know it already ? It’s called stumble upon

It jumps you to a random site in a selection of theme you set up when you install this plug in for firefox. Then you can vote if you like it or not. Its like an intelligent approved site finder. We spent 2 hours with gilles using that, and its defenitely worth trying. Might be the ultimate time killer ?

Another thing is this site

You ll find image from the net selected 2 times a month, so im sure you already know some of them but there’s some funny ones. The selection is not bad and there ‘s a bit of everything. :)

Also for your iphone, gilles told me you d probably want to upgrade to version 2 if its not already done.
he has advised me to take “shazam” an app that tells you what’s on TV or radio. Apparently he really likes it.

For the guitar and drum thing, you would have to hax the iphone. If you re interested, i ll get more infos about that !

ok, back to setuping !

Good morning daffy,

July 19, 2008

I hope you wake up on a sunny day.
I went to the repairer, a few minutes away from here. He found the problems and will give me back the computer wednesday. Until then I ll go on my other computer that I still have to set up.
The good thing is that I took a rack and kept my HD from my laptop so I should be able to do all the stuff normally !

At lunch im going to eat with my father at his favorite pizzeria. It may sound common but its the first time im doing something outside with my dad in maybe 6 years ?
It’s crazy… I was feeling really bad about how much I am never able to spend time with him, so I asked him if we could all eat together there. I was almost surprised that he accepted :)
I just wish my brother was also with us to complete the family like in the good old days.

Hmm I’m late on the post I had to do for yesterday… Goes, gotta set up the new old pc !

– Frednch

So That Makes It

July 19, 2008

Fred Muncher,

I’ll wake you up in an hour. I’ve got a date with some soap and an ipod. That sounded weird..