Back into the past !

July 20, 2008

Ok ok duck, so here’s the post i should have made the 18th. Let’s just pretend I’m not late and that i posted everything in time, alright ?
Hey Hun,

So today I had to do my medical check remember ? Yeah.
So I arrived damn late and even got called by my friend gwen, the nurse, who wanted to know where the heck I was because the doctor was leaving at noon. I arrived, did the checkings in 2 seconds and went to lunch with gwen at thomson’s cantina.
Here it gets awesome: The cantina is in an old factory ! And they kept some of the old tools like those elevators for crates above the head of ze people eating ! ( does this sentences makes any sense ? )
The funny+ part is that it’s all mixed with very more modern design seats and couch ! Awesomy.
Add to that the fact that the food was both delicious and healthy and you get a :DDD
Gwen told me some colleagues were able to complain about this place somehow. If I was a ninja I would have killed them.

Here it gets lame: I took my camera but forgot my memory stick. That day I really come upon a tons of stuff i wanted to show you : / from funny people in the subway, to that sweet cantina… Lame.

more awesome: me and gwen discovered our family came from the same town in madagascar: majunga : )
There ‘s chances that our grandparents knew each other hehe !

After that I left and waited for the bus.
More awesome: Vincent arrived, he had his appointment the same day !
So we took the subway together and he told me that things were going great with his girlfriend.
At some point I told him that my luggage had been fully checked when i came back to france this time. There he told me that when he was going from heathrow to LA, his luggage had been checked too and that the guys had put a real mess in his stuff ! putting in balls his clothes, pushing his tablet and compressing its cord,… And best of all… They lost ONE of his shoe ! Buaha ridiculous… He arrived with just one shoes of his pair.
So we started to imagine what could have happened that could have lost this shoe and guess this was the most logical explanation:

It probably happened this way.

It probably happened this way.

Back to montrouge I went to see my aunt christiane, and give her a hand on a few missions ( take her to the bank, market, ect… ). We ended up in the supermarket ” monoprix ” , also called source of all evil. sooo…

I will try to sparse the eating on the week.

I will try to sparse the eating on the week.

I decided to buy all the stuff I would not find in India ( or in USA for most ) and that are synonym to nutrition orgasm. I love all those things so much… I think I had never bought so much chocolate in one time.

I hope you re not worried of me getting fat, this will be naturally be taken care of in India for sure. :B

End of the day !

2 Responses to “Back into the past !”

  1. Serene Says:

    that drawing rules so hard. I especially love the “it’s too much pressure I quit!”
    I’m so confused by how many different places you come from, Madagascar, Martinique, the depths of the sea, etc. Break it down for me once and for all.
    Bread.. cheese.. and chocolate. You are the fonduey-est person I’ve ever known. Yeah I’m definitely not worried about you getting fat any time soon, but whew as soon as you turn 40.. the hammer of metabolism justice shall come down upon thee.

  2. Fred Says:

    Hehe im glad you liked the drawing. I used to make satyrical and stupid drawings of my team at school a bit like that. For some reasons i would either draw everyone as bears or as sea creatures.

    So about where i come from:

    – dad = pure french. half britany, half bourgogne. I think
    – mom= the megamix. half martinique ( grand father ) , half madagascar ( grand mother )
    her grand father has algerian roots too i think ?
    her grand mother was sakalav ( a tribe in madagascar ) and also had indian roots.

    sincerely: i really dont want to get a not controlled belly at 40. pleaze really KICK MY AsS if you think im getting too chubby ! I will parry the hammer of metabolism :U

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