Dear S,

An ex classmate just posted this photo of me on facebook

its crazy to see that you already know a bunch of them ! carlos and pierre of course. you heard of paul from me already ( on the left of pierre ). you even met romain the 13th july quickly ( above pierre ) ! :)

At the top left and right are the 2 colleagues of carlos on the movie.

woh. Your meeting is already over. My title doesnt make any sense anymore but whatever !

Meeting my ekaki dudes:
We met at 8pm and got food quickly. There s not much photos of them i can show because one of them doesnt want any photos of her on the net so it reduces the choices…

jori, the boss from the site and morya on the right.

jori, the boss from the site and morya, a very talented guy on the right.


Crepes and very good cider we had !
Crepes and very good cider we had !

I got a flammekuch. Some kind of german pizza with a very fine crust. Tasty but not fulfilling >:U


I had an oven cooked apple for dessert. The photo doesnt show her tastyness. My mum used to make some delicious ones... 10 years ago : O

The sweet park :


The design of the hill im on was really awesome. with an endless spiral walk going down the whole thing.


Lotsa ducks in the water and even some californian turtles ! : D

At a table, ready to draw:

Jori is funny. He puts color on a plan for EVERY streets he walks in. No joke.

Jori is funny. He puts color on a plan for EVERY streets he walks in. No joke.

Morya's drawing for me. Its a cheyenne on a plane. why ? he 's half cheyenne and we were joking about that. the plane is probably for my trip to india.

Morya's drawing for me. Its a cheyenne on a plane. why ? he 's half cheyenne and we were joking about that. the plane is probably for my trip to india.


Me and morya were both wearing the exact same hat, hoodie and shoes ( and both wearing jeans ). The only difference was color ! ... and we re both half from martinique ! was fun

Me and morya were both wearing the exact same hat, hoodie and shoes ( and both wearing jeans ). The only difference was color ! ... and we re both half from martinique ! was fun

We were bad ass.

That was fun. I feel like it was a good farewell. Jori and lulue, his girlfriend asked me too if they could visit me to India… Two more ! Yay !

Appuh Sauce

July 21, 2008

Smash Bro,

This morning I looked at my shoulders and realized they were a little ashy and white. I tried to wipe it off, and realized my sun tan is peeling away!

I’m shedding my French vacation :(


About to move

July 21, 2008

Yo darling,
I made the planning for the last days.

So we got :
a farewell to the ekaki friends today
a farewell to the childhood friends tomorrow afternoon
one to the supinfocom friends tomorrow evening
one to the elementary to highschool friends wednesday
and a farewell to family thirsday.

Bleah ! Its the only thing i do everytime i come to france. Farewells…

Look I take shaved !

Look I take shaved !

Also have to get informations about saving accounts for bank, and to get back the computer.
I wonder if i’m forgetting stuff…