But.. But..

July 23, 2008

Knobby Knees,

Okay. I don’t like babies, but Greg sent me this video. I think the main reason it’s funny is because the dad finds it so friggin hilarious.

In Progress

July 23, 2008


So I’ve been completely slacking off and didn’t finish a flyer I said I would for my friend. Work is a little slow so I’m working on it when I can. He requested I put some kind of sad animal listening to headphones, but I couldn’t fit it in how i’d want it to. There’s still the back side to design, too.. so maybe I’ll put it there.

In progress flyer

In progress flyer

It’s good to work on things that aren’t work related – keeps my brain interesting. I learn more skills at work and don’t have many opportunities to use them except things like this, which is cool.

I’m considering going swimming later today maybe, I feel like a big blob!

Arty Garfunkel

July 23, 2008

Hey You,

I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to do some stop motion animations — I have a pretty awesome idea floating around in my head. It’s going to be really hard to film by myself, but .. I don’t really know anyone besides you that would be into this kind of thing to help me out :(

The scene I’m imagining is happening on my face. Yes. So I’m trying to think how I’ll..

  1. take the photo
  2. move the animation
  3. be in the animation
the plan

the plan (iPhone DOESN"T do macro)

Alright, so maybe putting my head up against a wall so I don’t move around too much. I’ll have to be able to see whats going on, so I’ll need a setup of mirrors behind or around the camera. The IR remote is a little touchy at times (needs to be in JUST the right spot), so I might tape it down to something that doesn’t move, and rest my hand on it, to minimize any movement. The hardest part is going to be focus. It’ll be a bit of trial and error, or I’ll just have my mom come in and focus the camera for me and I’ll take care of the rest. This will be my weekend project I guess.

I think I have after effects ripped off to a dvd somewhere, but editing of course will be the lamest part of the entire process if I have to do it in a crappy program. I had to hand shrink each frame as I was telling you, in windows movie maker (such a piece of craaap) to make that 5 second animation. So when I get home we’ll see, otherwise.. it will be HELLLLZ!

Mission failed ?

July 23, 2008

Duck hun,

I went again to look for this deodorant...

I went again to look for this deodorant...

But everywhere i go I keep seeing the same ones and the one you like isn’t there…
I had even looked on the net 2 weeks ago but couldnt find a way to order it !

So… If you ever see it.

Buy the whole shop.

Just wanted to say,

July 23, 2008

you are fantastic.

Hey Guess What

July 23, 2008

Chicken Butt,