And on and on.

July 25, 2008


Last night I couldn’t sleep and kept waking up because of Margot running back and forth outside and whining. At 4am or so is when I couldn’t get back to sleep and woke up and wrote that entry. I went on a flickr adding frenzy, doing image searches for things like “photoshop illustration” and “character design”, and adding people with cool stuff as friends to inspire me. Around 4:30 or so I fell back asleep, but off and on again.

I dreamt I was online, and I dreamt you came on gchat and I asked you what you were doing online. Of course, in dreams, reading words and screens is always hard and obscured, but you wrote something about how your Father was worried and something something..
It was strange.

It’s been a long week, I’m soo glad it’s Friday.

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