
July 25, 2008

Pasta Eater,

I was going to make an entry about the campus “party”, but the photos are all on the other computer at home. So I’ll make that one later. There’s not many photos or really anything to put anyway, but I figure it’s funny to see where you used to work covered in .. party stuff.

As you know I went to the therapist today for the first time, woo hoo, and I walked out of his office and to my car across the street, and noticed this:

man lingerie I guess

man lingerie I guess

There was a guy who was working stocking and organizing little underwear. How ridiculously awesome. I’m so glad to have a reason to go to the Castro, see?

Also, here’s a picture of me looking angry and driving.



So this ridiculous hat is made by my mom, she made it years ago. I keep finding it and losing it and finding it over and over again, and I’m really happy to have found it again. They’re happy hats that completely don’t match with any clothes I own. (One of my coworkers even felt he needed to tell me “Your hat doesn’t match.”)

Pizza night tonight, I’ll take lots of photos.

4 Responses to “Posta!”

  1. Fred Says:

    Gaha! Castro is a bit scary for me. I mean i wouldnt go into that kind of shop if I was alone (Or i d be probably shivering and looking behind me every 3 seconds ).
    But i would certainly find this hilarious if you were with me there !
    Good to see on the photo that the good ol volvo is still alive :B

  2. Serene Says:

    what?? why would you be shivering and scared? What are they going to do.. beat you up? Besides, I don’t think any gay man would have you.

  3. Fred Says:

    because you would beat him up if he tried?

  4. Serene Says:

    That’s true.. that is very true.

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