Welcome to India, FRED!

July 25, 2008

So like,

I covered all the windows with sheets, because I’m too broke to buy curtains or shades. I feel like I’m in a little japanese girls room, so I took the appropriate picture.

Just got back from dinner (and talking to you on the phone during dinner), it was nice to be outside of work with work people, even though it’s not like we’re ever in business mode. It was pretty much like any regular day at lunch, except their husbands and wives were there. Then of course there were the sad singles, Greg, Andrei, and me. Oh so sad. Much pizza was eaten, and much stuffed was.. I was. (My english does not help you at ALL, does it.) Pretty much the entire dinner I yelled at Greg to shutup and get me things.. since, y’know, we were totally on a date. At one point he “accidentally” kicked me under the table, and said that most likely I’m now pregnant, and “that little T shaped thing ain’t gunna stop it.” What’s amazing is that he says ridiculous shit like that at work as well.

Somehow Julia’s husband ended up playing with my iPhone twice and was transfixed. When Andrei left, he tried to shake Julia’s husband’s hand, and his one hand slowly lifted while his eyes were still glued to the iPhone. When Andrei let go of his hand and walked away, Julia’s husband’s hand was still in the air and didn’t notice nobody was shaking it anymore. THAT is how amazing the iPhone is.

Well right now you’re on your way to the airport with all your luggage, and maybe running into some other Frenchies from your team. I hope you draw another awesome cartoon involving you being squished between two Hindustanis or in an AirIndia tin can. Not enough drawings from you! Meh!

When you read this, I hope that your flight/journey wasn’t too insane, and that all your luggage is intact, as well as your sanity.

Woo hoo!


One Response to “Welcome to India, FRED!”

  1. Fred Says:

    A cutie and an octopuss… The photo of everything i want !

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