: )

July 27, 2008

ma mamia,

I’ll start with the not good news: There was another bomb event in India but not in Bangalore. A group said they were responsible for the act, I dont know who they are yet. However, they re probably going to strike fear in different place in the country so I dont think they ll blast bangalore again.

Now about this morning and my very short night…Incredibly , I was able to wake up from my 40 minutes sleep and get down in time. The drivers were not in time though so I took an additionnal 40 minutes of rest in the hall of the hotel.

The hotel’s cool elevator.

Buh I seem to have weird proportions on this picture. However those are the infinite mirrors. YAY

Buh I seem to have weird proportions on this picture. However those are the infinite mirrors. YAY

Now to my appartment !

And my first videophone !

This place is just awesomely great… Its perfect.

Facts about my appartment:
I got my air conditioning for my computer
I have a phone here. The number is the 4O91O592 but im not sure if its functionning yet.
The wifi works perfectly
The fridge can be locked with keys to protect stuff from the servants. I kinda want to store my computer in it.
There’s buttons everywhere. I havent counted them yet but when i will it’s probably going to be very boring.
There’s a bath tub.
I like the design of my fridge and of my chairs.
There’s an emergency button that looks like a stupid smiley.

They bought us a ton of sweet european food for our arrival ! I WILL SURVIVE !

They bought us a ton of sweet european food for our arrival ! I WILL SURVIVE !


Also I asked If I could take monday 18 august , i ll get the answer tomorrow but they didnt seem to think it was a problem :)

I feel mentally exhausted. My moral Keeps going up and down like a freaking roller coaster from one day to another. But it seems things are getting more stable ? I’m feeling well here, Drauktrubuluworks® is taking well care of us as usual and the beginning at work should be cool and slow, giving me the time to get back in the working mood .
And it seems like you re doing great use of your free time. I know how good it feels to be in creative mood, so I hope you feel as well as I do when I am in that kind of condition. From the ” i almost dont want to go to sleep” it seems quite close to me :)

About your previous post:
Baby, the same happened to me when you came to Paris. You actually made me enjoy my city and realize it’s beautiful… I had never really looked at it before.

Yesterday’s chat was really intense. I always think time flies away incredibly fast, but when I chat with you it’s just radiculous. When I think about it, those 6-7 hours felt like 2 to me…
It’s still so tough to be limitated by words, not to be able to express what I feel.
You cant imagine how happy I was when I saw your post today. Your new rythm of life seems to feel better. Now just kick your headache in the ass of the head !

Also, are you gonna get the french lessons soon ? :B
I wonder when im gonna hear some cute franch language…

4 Responses to “: )”

  1. Serene Says:

    That is so frigdiculous. Radiculous also. Also you might want to send your phone number to me in an EMAIL yknow for FACTS NEWS AND STATEMENTS :B just in case. We know how much you hate people calling you that are possibly robots.
    I don’t understand what you are going to do with so much SPACE. Practice ballet perhaps?? Learn how to breakdance on those wood floors?

  2. Fred Says:

    You think american wobots are gonna call in india ? That would be REALLY some freaking persistant bastards then !

    Yeah the big empty space is a bit… empty. For the moment. There’s a lot of echo.
    I actually enjoy sliding on that kind of surface. The grounds needs to be cleaned though, for maximum enjoyment.

  3. Serene Says:

    i hope for some videos soon where you put down the camera and record video and i just see a giant Fred fly past.

  4. Fred Says:

    haha ” fly past”
    Almost sounds incorrectly graceful , compared to the reality.

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