Random stuffz

July 29, 2008

This post will be a succession of rather random stuff I came across on my errands.
Apart from shopping we went to a sweet restaurant today. The food tasted awesome but with the spices and all, I always feel full very quickly and never finishes my plate.
Delicious indian yoghurt. This one was looking especially delightful ( and the best i ve tasted )

I got this delicious indian yoghurt, the " lassi". This one was looking especially delightful ( and maybe the best i ve tasted)

a very sweet design of salt...

a very sweet design of salt...

... and pepper !

... and pepper !

In eletronic shops they sell the most old shit you can imagine. Do you remember this at the beginning of internet ?

In eletronic shops they sell the most old shit you can imagine. Do you remember this at the beginning of internet ?

A cheap indian remake of GTA ?

A cheap indian remake of GTA ?

the noisy traffic in the town center

D  ( 150 000 dollars )

a huge statue shop. The pillar at the center was crazy sculpted ( i have no idea how they could sculpt crazy details on the inside... ) and was worth 7 millions rupees :D ( 150 000 dollars )

some tables at the statue shop. I had to stop taking photos after because a guard told me it was baaaad

some tables at the statue shop. I had to stop taking photos after because a guard told me it was baaaad

So... If france was scooter land...

So... If france was scooter land...

...then this is scooter world o_o DUH.  They're really everywhere.

...then this is scooter world o_o DUH. They're really everywhere.

Indian are good at reusing anything anyhow.

Indian are good at reusing anything anyhow.

There they are ! Waiting for you to "ooooh pigeon" them.

There they are ! Waiting for you to "ooooh pigeon" them.

zhee brand

zhee brand

That’s all ! I’m all packed for the camping. We re all gonna leave in that school like bus. I guess we ll sing stupid songs, enjoy team activities, talk of sweet memories around the campfire and become incredible friends-colleagues :V

Once again, take care of your little delicous you that I’ll see soon on skype :B

3 Responses to “Random stuffz”

  1. Serene Says:

    OOF LASSI. It always looks delicious, but I know I don’t like it.

    Is India stuck in a time warp? There’s some places in the US that seem that it’s still 1990 or something. From the DANCING BABY cd or whatever it is – they’re either stuck in the past, or don’t throw anything away.

    The traffic seems insane. I don’t think I’d like to ride a scooter or a motorcycle there, it seems a little insane. Driving around France seemed less crazy – paved streets and no crazy trucks carrying a million things to fly off and hit you in the face.

    haha I like the piece of wood put down, “KEEP WALKING YOU DON’T SEE THIS HOLE.”

    I noted a pigeon in your flickr photos! BAHA!

  2. Serene Says:


  3. Fred Says:

    Both really. when i first came in india, in new delhi they were still selling Nintendo NES in shops. No kidding.

    The traffic is completely insane for any non-indian human being. You hadnt seen videos yet ? Its just a big organized chaos only indians can survive.
    Apparently in bangalore there’s only 30 mortal accidents per year so even if its a big mess, its a mess they re used to :)

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