blop plop

August 2, 2008

I dont have much to post today, I spent most of the day feeling depressed in my bed.
I just took the photos of the appartment and sent them to you. Oh and I shaved my cheeks too.

Tonight some indians, frenchies and americans are meeting in a bar. I’m probably going to go there. I wonder what an indian bar’s like… Last restaurant we went in that was modern had only remix of occidental music with indian singers. Things like the bigies, hotel california, and other ultra famous stuff : )

Also, there s apparently a church not too far from here. Its been 1 hour since I have to bear mantra singing in a microphone. Its really really painful and boring.

Ok. Hope the bar will be fun !
And good morning to you of course.

I’m sitting in my car near renee’s house waiting for her to get off work. I don’t know what I’m going to be doing tonight, but I’ve already been drunk today.. So the possibilities seem open and endless. Good morning to you!


August 2, 2008

Water Off a Duck’s Ass,

I am superiorly bummed. I guess because today we decided not to see each other in two weeks, but to wait longer. I know it’s the smart thing to do – its just too expensive otherwise – but of course it takes the wind out of me.  $3,000.. where can I get this to buy a ticket..