
August 2, 2008

Water Off a Duck’s Ass,

I am superiorly bummed. I guess because today we decided not to see each other in two weeks, but to wait longer. I know it’s the smart thing to do – its just too expensive otherwise – but of course it takes the wind out of me.  $3,000.. where can I get this to buy a ticket..

The camp thing

August 1, 2008

Cake eyes,

This post is about the camp thingy of death.

A bad photo of a temple. There s a lot of them , i ll shoot better ones

On the way to the camp: A bad photo of a temple. There s a lot of them , i ll shoot better ones

The indian guy singing is an interesting character. He’s super shy and has a stammer , he completely loses it when he sings though : )

At the camp:

As I said It was both awesome and boring. Like we had some activities that could have been pretty sweet but put like this, in this work analyze shit, it got really annoying sometime.
The first one that we did, was to be in 2 teams and make the longest line possible with everything we had on us at that moment, ourselve included. So basically what happened, is that most of us ended in boxers to make the longer line… And it was a surprisingly good way to break distance with people you dont know !

So even if it sounds strange, this game was actually a good one and had the desired effect.

After that we were showed our rooms.

my place

my place

The toilets were really clean. Rare and precious.

The toilets were really clean. Rare and precious.

Me and ashok taking pictures everywhere

Me and ashok taking pictures everywhere


I got a chance to call you with the help of that guy. He was turning the phone on, check if there was a signal, turn it off. move a bit and do the same thing again. Apparently this exact spot is the only place with a half signal around.

I got a chance to call you with the help of that guy. He was turning the phone on, check if there was a signal, turn it off. move a bit and do the same thing again. Apparently this exact spot is the only place with a half signal around.

this is a photo of a monkey. Monkeys are of the monkey family. they can jump and run and scream pretty well.

this is a photo of a monkey. Monkeys are of the monkey family. they can jump and run and scream pretty well.

Hmm i mainly made blurry photos. Check theo’s there’s some wonderful ones of those monkeys.

After discovering the place was infested with monkeys, crocodiles and ants ( its like the whole place was alive, you couldnt really put your eyes on an immobile space. There was always black spots running around -and  ants are about half an inch long here ) we got lunch.

We did some stone... skipping ? Dun remember the name at all, but i did a way better score this time. Something like 10 rebounds. YOU PROUD OF ME BRABEH ?

We did some stone... skipping ? Dun remember the name at all, but i did a way better score this time. Something like 10 rebounds. YOU PROUD OF ME BRABEH ?

And then went to the next activities:
Some stupid repeat action thing and then the bridge building activity. This one was about sharing skills ( 3 teams with different abilities that we had to share to make the bridge ) but the exercise wasnt very well made and the skills not equal. Anyway the creation of the bridge was slow, chaotic and boring. and rainy too.
Bleah. The crossing was fun though: )   ( so about 5 minutes of fun for 4 hours of boredom )

There is a lot of emotion in this pic. Enjoy.

There is a lot of emotion in this pic. Enjoy.

The lights definitely adds a dramatic sweetness.

The lights definitely adds a dramatic sweetness.

The evening was fun: good food around a campfire. Surprisingly, no mosquitoes. Kapz ( an indian ) had brought his guitar and greg played some nice old school tunes with it.

before everybody came on the ropes, i spent some quiet, relaxing time there with vincent. Its really cool to hang out in a giant hamac in a silent night.

before everybody came on the ropes, i spent some quiet, relaxing time there with vincent. Its really cool to hang out in a giant hamac in a silent night.

Day 2

In the morning we did the treking thing and then YAY water ride on crocodiles !

here, the guide is having fun making the boat turn around.

Sorry babe for the lame quality. There’s not much to see in it… We were quite lucky in my boat and didnt get too wet compared to others. God saves my camera !

After that, the next activity was to… jump from a tree. A 30 feet high branch of a tree. With securities of course. I wish I had some battery at this time to show you that… ( dont hit me ! I forgot to refill it before leaving ! ). The goal was also to hit some water bottles from while jumping to get “points”.
Around the cool jump , this was another annoying team / working abilities thing, and we had to wait like 3 hours for 2 minutes of jump. The jump went fine though , except that I left my long arms too widely open, ripped down the cord of a bottle, and had my arm a bit burned on the security rope. Nothing big though.

Another lunch. And finally the last activity: Some scavenger hunt. We had some general items to find like ” something red. something sticky ” and had to find any stuff that would fit, while being creative. My team finished last, not much else to say…

4 pm, we finally took the bus… only to get stuck in traffic for 3 hours.

Hmmmyeah it was still a bit of fun. I’m glad I saw some huge crocodiles and that I could leave Bangalore a bit  :B

Impulse Buy

July 29, 2008

Beans and Franks,

So I was just at lomography.com and got the camera buying feelings stirring. So I went on amazon and finally got that goddamn underwater camera and an 8gig flash card for the nikon. In all it was about $300. Um, woops?

I will make an underwater movie about my toes.


July 29, 2008

Dance Party That I Don’t Dance At,

Woke up this morning with some lumpy feelings in my throat. I’m pretty sure I’m getting sick. I’ll have to take some vitamin stuff and load up, I have too much to do at work and too many appointments to get sick now.

Anyway, this is going to be my boring entry, where I just post some pixelated iPhone photos from yesterday.

From the top of the rope tower

From the top of the rope tower, Sunday

I have a pretty amazing zombie eye in this tower picture. Climbing this giant thing in the middle of Golden Gate Park was awesome, and I didn’t feel weird at all playing on the stuff. There were just as many adults climbing it as kids. You’ll have to check it out.

Keychain from Japan

Keychain from Japan

Evan came back yesterday, and brought some delightful little keychains. I took the smallest, weirdest, most confusing one that he had, its some little wooden round slipper that makes “clackety” noises. I figured it most appropriate to adorn Totoro with it.

Necklace and a bunch of desk stuff

Necklace and a bunch of desk stuff

Birthdayguy was very appreciative of the hat I crocheted him so many months ago, and still has it. It was cool to see something I made sitting in someone’s room. In exchange he gave me an Ethiopian cross necklace. I barely wear jewelry so I’ll have to find someplace nice to put it. Maybe Totoro would enjoy it as well.

Totally refreshed

Totally refreshed

As I was telling you, in the afternoon, I went to the gym to go take a shower. I felt so gross and headachey and needed to sit under the hot water for a bit. This is me, approving the shower cure. I was totally ready to go back and do some more work.



The train is nice to zone out in, but it was a bit sad to take the train and the shuttle without you around. It turned into “the place I’ll see Fred”. Walking from the train to the work shuttle is when I would feel the presence of a tall person walking a little bit behind me. Sadly, not anymore. I did enjoy the free time though, I tried out the Beatmaker software, it was a little confusing but if I had more time to spend with it (train time) I could probably make something acceptable to write music over.

Ah ha! I've found you!

Ah ha! I've found you!

My mom and Noele came to pick me up from the train station, and ran to San Francisco to do errands. Noele had to drop off some film, which is where I almost bought a tripod and the Olympus little camera. I let the impulsive feelings subside, and didn’t buy anything. Then we went to rainbow market where they have an amazing array of pickles and olives, and I found those damn mini pickles you guys have! I didn’t get any, because I wouldn’t know what to put them in. But score 1 for america!

It’s almost 9am, I’m going to get ready for work. See? Pretty useless entry. Nothing interesting has happened. Blagh.

be kind rewind

July 27, 2008

Delicious snack,

I had to post about the new stuff  about the appartment first but here’s some random stuff about my arrival in India.

that was a part of the meal. Apparently the cook was drunk

that was a part of the meal. Apparently the cook was drunk

Our travel itinerary. Apparently the pilot was drunk too

Our travel itinerary. Apparently the pilot was drunk too

A giant luggage at the airport. Amazing. Typical.

A giant luggage at the airport. Amazing. Typical.


The day after we spoke of this shower with clothes thing , i saw that in a magazine :D

Apparently firemen have buckets with earth to deal with fires.

Apparently firemen have buckets with earth to deal with fires.

And a little video to show my street !

Za Buncha Vidiya

July 25, 2008


So here’s a bunch of videos from Sirin’s camera from pizza time.

(watch what is happening to Julia’s ear. Her husband did
this the entire time and it was really strange and hilarious.)



July 25, 2008

Pasta Eater,

I was going to make an entry about the campus “party”, but the photos are all on the other computer at home. So I’ll make that one later. There’s not many photos or really anything to put anyway, but I figure it’s funny to see where you used to work covered in .. party stuff.

As you know I went to the therapist today for the first time, woo hoo, and I walked out of his office and to my car across the street, and noticed this:

man lingerie I guess

man lingerie I guess

There was a guy who was working stocking and organizing little underwear. How ridiculously awesome. I’m so glad to have a reason to go to the Castro, see?

Also, here’s a picture of me looking angry and driving.



So this ridiculous hat is made by my mom, she made it years ago. I keep finding it and losing it and finding it over and over again, and I’m really happy to have found it again. They’re happy hats that completely don’t match with any clothes I own. (One of my coworkers even felt he needed to tell me “Your hat doesn’t match.”)

Pizza night tonight, I’ll take lots of photos.

But.. But..

July 23, 2008

Knobby Knees,

Okay. I don’t like babies, but Greg sent me this video. I think the main reason it’s funny is because the dad finds it so friggin hilarious.

Serious news.

July 22, 2008

Tasty smiley,

We re having a little not very important problem with the french company hiring us:
So we can go to india but with our economic class we can only take 20 kilos with us ! So since my company knows its not enough they said they ‘d pay back what we’d have to pay. OK.
But we checked and EVERY additionnal kilo costs 30 EUROS ! buahaha ! Knowing that some have some 60 kg / person and have a girlfriend it can goes up to 1500 euros to pay with our little monies ! Jolly Funn !

So one of us mailed the one ” taking care ” of this in the company ( but who doesnt give a shit ) with us in the mails, he was saying it was a problem and giving some intelligent solutions. So this person mailed back
saying just ” Whatever.”
Our friend mailed us about this answer and how it was funny because the person from thomson tried to retrieve the mail with a fonction from outlook !
Then we were all mailing our friend with comments like ” who that ‘s crazy ” or shit like that, being careful that we were only sending this between each other. But one of us sent a mail laughing and making fun ot the person in our company WITH her email in it ! I hope you follow what’s going on ! :D

However this person at the company is going to receive a big mail explaining how funny it was that she tried to retrieve the mail and how rude they were for not taking of our problems again. That kind of stuff… Its not gonna helpfor our relations for sure ! Right now im laughing though.

other news: Carlos chat with me and made some comment about the jetpack ehehe . Your image has a lot of success ;)
He may not have been serious from the beginning but he was asking technical questions about the device like:
“and how high can it go ?”
” 3 meters? oh cooool… ”
He only laughed when i said that i d have to jump from the eiffel tower to be high enough to reach india.

Last but not least. I looked into some old folders and found some old shit I did with my room mate. I realized there s a lot of stupid things that are so stupid that they should only stay between him and me. Just because no one else can understand and because any people, even you, would just be like ” o_o  what the… fuck ? ”

But here is some photos of one dumb evening:

Lighting cereal toys on fire is fun and Artistic !

Lighting cereal toys on fire is fun and Artistic !

Clever torch

Clever torch


I'm not sure if you re laughing as much as me, and probably not but that's ok ! :D

:) duck…