News Bash

July 31, 2008


Magnificent bastard

I just got off the phone with Justin, and found out that he’ll be leaving this Sunday to go on a trip for two weeks (I think he’s going to New York, Texas, and some other places around the U.S.). In that time, he doesn’t trust his roommates to watch after Truman, and asked my mother and I to watch him.

I’m pretty excited to hang out with that little bastard, and have a dog around that I feel really close to. It has been strange that I haven’t really connected with the dogs in house – I know, who cares right? It’s been strange though. I don’t care for Margot, she’s yappy, whiney, and pees. I love Iggy to death, but he is too needy and peed on my computer tower (he is banned from my room indefinitely). The cat is a welcomed visitor who can scale the dog fence into my room, and quietly lurks and leaves on her own accord.

Truman is similar in that he doesn’t give a shit about you, just how good of a pillow you are – and any possible snacks you may be hiding in your pocket for him to steal and run away with. Ahh..

Sunday is when Justin will be taking off, so maybe I’ll have some time this weekend to hang out with Truman!

Found: Photos

July 30, 2008

Duck Intestine,

I was cleaning out my folders and files on my work computer. I found a bunch of photos that weren’t on either my laptop or pc at home, and felt all nostalgic. It’s amazing that we only spent a month actually “together”, and yet the photos seem yellowed with age.