Poor innocent drawing ?

July 27, 2008

Duck dude,
I’m going to bed !
I didnt really respected the style, dude.

I didnt really respected the style, dude.

I’m pretty sure we could continue over this drawing and deliver some neatness.

Duck Butt,

I’ve just sent you an unfinished photoshop file of a very uninteresting, bland, and boring drawing. I got so bored with it I decided to stop and scrap it. Then I figured, instead of scrapping it, giving my bullshit to you to make interesting GA-HA! Of course, I know it’s totally not fun looking at all, so if you just want to draw him being eaten by a monster, I’m totally down with that. Even if it’s just like 2 minute monster.

In other news, this tablet sucks ASS. It’s not pressure sensitive, it’s shaky, and I don’t feel a good amount of control. I can’t draw a straight line with it. Bleargh! But yes, it is better than drawing with a mouse in photoshop, and a million times better than trying to do anything remotely creative with the trackpad on my laptop.


July 25, 2008


I had this in my head and had to doodle it out :)

long bits

long bits