blop plop

August 2, 2008

I dont have much to post today, I spent most of the day feeling depressed in my bed.
I just took the photos of the appartment and sent them to you. Oh and I shaved my cheeks too.

Tonight some indians, frenchies and americans are meeting in a bar. I’m probably going to go there. I wonder what an indian bar’s like… Last restaurant we went in that was modern had only remix of occidental music with indian singers. Things like the bigies, hotel california, and other ultra famous stuff : )

Also, there s apparently a church not too far from here. Its been 1 hour since I have to bear mantra singing in a microphone. Its really really painful and boring.

Ok. Hope the bar will be fun !
And good morning to you of course.


August 2, 2008

Water Off a Duck’s Ass,

I am superiorly bummed. I guess because today we decided not to see each other in two weeks, but to wait longer. I know it’s the smart thing to do – its just too expensive otherwise – but of course it takes the wind out of me.  $3,000.. where can I get this to buy a ticket..

News Bash

July 31, 2008


Magnificent bastard

I just got off the phone with Justin, and found out that he’ll be leaving this Sunday to go on a trip for two weeks (I think he’s going to New York, Texas, and some other places around the U.S.). In that time, he doesn’t trust his roommates to watch after Truman, and asked my mother and I to watch him.

I’m pretty excited to hang out with that little bastard, and have a dog around that I feel really close to. It has been strange that I haven’t really connected with the dogs in house – I know, who cares right? It’s been strange though. I don’t care for Margot, she’s yappy, whiney, and pees. I love Iggy to death, but he is too needy and peed on my computer tower (he is banned from my room indefinitely). The cat is a welcomed visitor who can scale the dog fence into my room, and quietly lurks and leaves on her own accord.

Truman is similar in that he doesn’t give a shit about you, just how good of a pillow you are – and any possible snacks you may be hiding in your pocket for him to steal and run away with. Ahh..

Sunday is when Justin will be taking off, so maybe I’ll have some time this weekend to hang out with Truman!

Bat Fastards

July 30, 2008

20th Century Man,

Kitty and I are still laying in bed.. I should probably get dressed and go to the doctor’s appointment soon. I’m assuming right now you’re trying to find a signal, and cursing the Indian wilderness. I hope you’re still having a lot of fun anyway.

And Into the Moon

July 27, 2008


Again with the migraine. Second time I’ll take painkillers for the day. My liver is going to hate me when I’m older.

The intense skype session was almost draining. It was like marathon “staring at the screen and feeling emotional” time. I felt like I should have taken a nap afterwards. Hopefully you weren’t sick of my internet representation by the end of it, you seemed pretty out of it. Well, if those 40 minutes of sleep did you any good, your day should be going well maybe? Checking out your sweet new digs? (Ahem, your apartment.)

I wrote an entry in my other blog (traitor!) about how productive I’ve been feeling lately because I don’t have a boyfriend around. “Yes it is sad at times”, but it really does leave me with a lot of free time (when I’m not skyping for 6 hours). I thought of a song I want to write, and I almost don’t want to go to sleep so I can work on it. I want to make the beats on my iPhone and either make the music on keyboard or glockenspiel. If I go to sleep now, I won’t have time tomorrow. I’m going to be out walking with Jordan in the morning, then at night I’ll be at the birthday dinner. Oh shit, I need to get a present – and I was thinking to make him a hat. I don’t think I’ll have time. When I was riding the train and would see the birthday man every day, I made him a hat, but I think he lost it. I don’t know if that means he deserves another, or he doesn’t.

I was just thinking how living at home has greatly decreased my spending. My mom always has food made so I don’t go out and eat. I’ve spent $50 on groceries, and then my mom cooked them. Amazing. It’s like a vending machine. I put the money in, and the delicious treats fall out ..gracefully and metaphorically.. with little to no effort on my part. I guess I was thinking about this because I haven’t gone out to eat except the pizza night Thursday. It’s a huge change from us going out to eat every single night and trying a million different restaurants. I do miss the exploring we did though. I knew my own home town better when you were here.

The headache is moving into my jaw, so I’m going to take some painkillers and fall asleep. I’m still trying to think how I should dress for my superhero photoshoot tomorrow.. Hmmm..

From My Calculations..

July 25, 2008


Your plane touched down over 3 and a half hours ago. I hope you landed safely, and you’re not too exhausted. Hope you get a connection somewhere soon so I can make sure you’re alive. After all, Bangalore was the first city in India to get wi-fi, right? HOOK IT UPZZ!

And on and on.

July 25, 2008


Last night I couldn’t sleep and kept waking up because of Margot running back and forth outside and whining. At 4am or so is when I couldn’t get back to sleep and woke up and wrote that entry. I went on a flickr adding frenzy, doing image searches for things like “photoshop illustration” and “character design”, and adding people with cool stuff as friends to inspire me. Around 4:30 or so I fell back asleep, but off and on again.

I dreamt I was online, and I dreamt you came on gchat and I asked you what you were doing online. Of course, in dreams, reading words and screens is always hard and obscured, but you wrote something about how your Father was worried and something something..
It was strange.

It’s been a long week, I’m soo glad it’s Friday.


July 25, 2008


I can’t sleep. I keep waking up. I hope you’re well. It’s 4 am here.

Wicked Uninteresting

July 22, 2008

Count Fred,

Nothing amazing happened today, except possibly the migraine thing that was going on for way too long. When I was driving home I thought I was going to crash – I kept closing my eyes and trying to let the pain pass. It’s better now though, as soon as I got home my mom stepped on my back and got some good cracks out of it. It’s still lingering, but not blinding like it was before.

I’m gunna see the gadgety store is still open, I want to buy a small battery for the Nikon remote I bought. I still haven’t played around with it because I don’t have a battery. But I’m planning on making you a photo movie if I do get a battery! (I told you how much I yearn for video. I’ll make video if I have to do it out of photos!!)

Right, Yesterday

July 20, 2008


(GAHA!) I never explained what I ended up doing all of yesterday. So, after feeling completely deflated by no longer playing with the band, I found myself laying on the floor feeling incredibly hopeless. “I have no friends! Everyone hates me! I can’t do anything! I need to tweeze my eyebrows!” Okay, it actually was an incredibly sad scene and I was afraid to be alone. Right after it happened, Justin called, being as he’s friends with all the guys in the band. He asked how I was doing, I said bad, but I’ll deal with it. It was a blessing in disguise — I’ve been feeling out of place in the band since the inception, and it’s a relief to know they were feeling the same way I was. Hearing myself said it out loud calmed me down a bit, and I told him I’d take up the rest of my issues with a therapist. It was nice to hear from him, if only for someone to wake me up.

So, feeling like shit, I decided to leave the house. If I stayed any longer I was going to take cold medicine and fall asleep and get a sugar hangover and regret it. I needed some form of catharsis, a healthy one.

Drove to the Mission to the piercing shop that I got my lip ring from. I’ve frequented the place surprisingly a lot, whether the ring was falling out, swollen, etc. I had my lip re-pierced probably about three times by them until about four months ago or so I realized how difficult it was to eat corn or properly wipe my mouth. I know the piercer there, and he always has a vague recollection of who I am, but it’s interesting that he seems to have forgotten that me and Justin were together.. and that Justin used to be by my side during these visits. He’s known Justin for many years, and it was nice to be remembered as a person and not as a couple, and he didn’t bring up Justin once. He stretched my ears and gave me a sweet discount, and I totally forgot to tip him! I feel like such an asshole, but I’ll go back in two months and give him an extra awesome tip. I’m a dick, but I’ll make it up to him.

Piercing and modifications is something I thought I got out of my system when I took out my lip ring, but it’s a really strange way to feel a twinge of pain but feel proud of the result. It’s like funneling my energy through my burning ears, and releasing it. Then afterwards, I feel like I’ve been slapped in the face and I have new things in my ears! How delightful!

Afterwards I took my laptop to the coffee shop down the street that I had never been to before. So, coffee shops.. they’ve never really been “my thing”. They were always a Justin thing. He’d go drink a lot of coffee and socialize and come home shaking. I always thought it was weird and so “typical”, like.. going to a football game and drinking beer. Well of course, again, my preconceived notions were retarded, judgmental and incorrect. I hung out for two hours snacking, people watching, and just generally getting over feeling so bad for myself. It’s like.. public therapy. Also I got to chat with you! Woo hoo! That was excellent.

So as you know I headed to Renee’s work to see what she was up to. I actually sat at a table and read/drew/drank tea for her entire shift – from about 5:30pm to 10pm. I sat. My ass was numb. But I had a good time reading and got a few doodley drawings in. Afterwards she was going to a party being thrown by Josh’s work. I don’t know the group of people at all, so it was more of a “Why the hell not, I have nothing else going on.” I didn’t meet anyone, nor did I really feel the need to, I enjoyed being out of the house and took some photos of drunk people falling over each other. I drove Renee home at 3, then went home myself.

Today I hung out with Ezra, he brought me what little musical equipment I had left at the practice space. I always expect the worst and was ready for him to say “Yeah, and also, I don’t really like being your friend either.” Of course, not the case. Had a nice lunch, not too much talk about the band but just other shit in general. It was refreshing to hear about someone else’s life for awhile.

It’s been a rocky weekend. And, oh shit, I’m supposed to go rock climbing tonight with Noele. You could say.. it will be getting ROCKIER OHOGHOAGHASHLKAHSLDshit