The camp thing

August 1, 2008

Cake eyes,

This post is about the camp thingy of death.

A bad photo of a temple. There s a lot of them , i ll shoot better ones

On the way to the camp: A bad photo of a temple. There s a lot of them , i ll shoot better ones

The indian guy singing is an interesting character. He’s super shy and has a stammer , he completely loses it when he sings though : )

At the camp:

As I said It was both awesome and boring. Like we had some activities that could have been pretty sweet but put like this, in this work analyze shit, it got really annoying sometime.
The first one that we did, was to be in 2 teams and make the longest line possible with everything we had on us at that moment, ourselve included. So basically what happened, is that most of us ended in boxers to make the longer line… And it was a surprisingly good way to break distance with people you dont know !

So even if it sounds strange, this game was actually a good one and had the desired effect.

After that we were showed our rooms.

my place

my place

The toilets were really clean. Rare and precious.

The toilets were really clean. Rare and precious.

Me and ashok taking pictures everywhere

Me and ashok taking pictures everywhere


I got a chance to call you with the help of that guy. He was turning the phone on, check if there was a signal, turn it off. move a bit and do the same thing again. Apparently this exact spot is the only place with a half signal around.

I got a chance to call you with the help of that guy. He was turning the phone on, check if there was a signal, turn it off. move a bit and do the same thing again. Apparently this exact spot is the only place with a half signal around.

this is a photo of a monkey. Monkeys are of the monkey family. they can jump and run and scream pretty well.

this is a photo of a monkey. Monkeys are of the monkey family. they can jump and run and scream pretty well.

Hmm i mainly made blurry photos. Check theo’s there’s some wonderful ones of those monkeys.

After discovering the place was infested with monkeys, crocodiles and ants ( its like the whole place was alive, you couldnt really put your eyes on an immobile space. There was always black spots running around -and  ants are about half an inch long here ) we got lunch.

We did some stone... skipping ? Dun remember the name at all, but i did a way better score this time. Something like 10 rebounds. YOU PROUD OF ME BRABEH ?

We did some stone... skipping ? Dun remember the name at all, but i did a way better score this time. Something like 10 rebounds. YOU PROUD OF ME BRABEH ?

And then went to the next activities:
Some stupid repeat action thing and then the bridge building activity. This one was about sharing skills ( 3 teams with different abilities that we had to share to make the bridge ) but the exercise wasnt very well made and the skills not equal. Anyway the creation of the bridge was slow, chaotic and boring. and rainy too.
Bleah. The crossing was fun though: )   ( so about 5 minutes of fun for 4 hours of boredom )

There is a lot of emotion in this pic. Enjoy.

There is a lot of emotion in this pic. Enjoy.

The lights definitely adds a dramatic sweetness.

The lights definitely adds a dramatic sweetness.

The evening was fun: good food around a campfire. Surprisingly, no mosquitoes. Kapz ( an indian ) had brought his guitar and greg played some nice old school tunes with it.

before everybody came on the ropes, i spent some quiet, relaxing time there with vincent. Its really cool to hang out in a giant hamac in a silent night.

before everybody came on the ropes, i spent some quiet, relaxing time there with vincent. Its really cool to hang out in a giant hamac in a silent night.

Day 2

In the morning we did the treking thing and then YAY water ride on crocodiles !

here, the guide is having fun making the boat turn around.

Sorry babe for the lame quality. There’s not much to see in it… We were quite lucky in my boat and didnt get too wet compared to others. God saves my camera !

After that, the next activity was to… jump from a tree. A 30 feet high branch of a tree. With securities of course. I wish I had some battery at this time to show you that… ( dont hit me ! I forgot to refill it before leaving ! ). The goal was also to hit some water bottles from while jumping to get “points”.
Around the cool jump , this was another annoying team / working abilities thing, and we had to wait like 3 hours for 2 minutes of jump. The jump went fine though , except that I left my long arms too widely open, ripped down the cord of a bottle, and had my arm a bit burned on the security rope. Nothing big though.

Another lunch. And finally the last activity: Some scavenger hunt. We had some general items to find like ” something red. something sticky ” and had to find any stuff that would fit, while being creative. My team finished last, not much else to say…

4 pm, we finally took the bus… only to get stuck in traffic for 3 hours.

Hmmmyeah it was still a bit of fun. I’m glad I saw some huge crocodiles and that I could leave Bangalore a bit  :B

Found: More Videos!

July 31, 2008


Last night I tried once again to get into my work computer, but alas.. I could not. I remembered that there were these videos!

When I sit by my heater now, it makes me a bit sad.

Oh ho ho ho!!

July 29, 2008

Random stuffz

July 29, 2008

This post will be a succession of rather random stuff I came across on my errands.
Apart from shopping we went to a sweet restaurant today. The food tasted awesome but with the spices and all, I always feel full very quickly and never finishes my plate.
Delicious indian yoghurt. This one was looking especially delightful ( and the best i ve tasted )

I got this delicious indian yoghurt, the " lassi". This one was looking especially delightful ( and maybe the best i ve tasted)

a very sweet design of salt...

a very sweet design of salt...

... and pepper !

... and pepper !

In eletronic shops they sell the most old shit you can imagine. Do you remember this at the beginning of internet ?

In eletronic shops they sell the most old shit you can imagine. Do you remember this at the beginning of internet ?

A cheap indian remake of GTA ?

A cheap indian remake of GTA ?

the noisy traffic in the town center

D  ( 150 000 dollars )

a huge statue shop. The pillar at the center was crazy sculpted ( i have no idea how they could sculpt crazy details on the inside... ) and was worth 7 millions rupees :D ( 150 000 dollars )

some tables at the statue shop. I had to stop taking photos after because a guard told me it was baaaad

some tables at the statue shop. I had to stop taking photos after because a guard told me it was baaaad

So... If france was scooter land...

So... If france was scooter land...

...then this is scooter world o_o DUH.  They're really everywhere.

...then this is scooter world o_o DUH. They're really everywhere.

Indian are good at reusing anything anyhow.

Indian are good at reusing anything anyhow.

There they are ! Waiting for you to "ooooh pigeon" them.

There they are ! Waiting for you to "ooooh pigeon" them.

zhee brand

zhee brand

That’s all ! I’m all packed for the camping. We re all gonna leave in that school like bus. I guess we ll sing stupid songs, enjoy team activities, talk of sweet memories around the campfire and become incredible friends-colleagues :V

Once again, take care of your little delicous you that I’ll see soon on skype :B

be kind rewind

July 27, 2008

Delicious snack,

I had to post about the new stuff  about the appartment first but here’s some random stuff about my arrival in India.

that was a part of the meal. Apparently the cook was drunk

that was a part of the meal. Apparently the cook was drunk

Our travel itinerary. Apparently the pilot was drunk too

Our travel itinerary. Apparently the pilot was drunk too

A giant luggage at the airport. Amazing. Typical.

A giant luggage at the airport. Amazing. Typical.


The day after we spoke of this shower with clothes thing , i saw that in a magazine :D

Apparently firemen have buckets with earth to deal with fires.

Apparently firemen have buckets with earth to deal with fires.

And a little video to show my street !

: )

July 27, 2008

ma mamia,

I’ll start with the not good news: There was another bomb event in India but not in Bangalore. A group said they were responsible for the act, I dont know who they are yet. However, they re probably going to strike fear in different place in the country so I dont think they ll blast bangalore again.

Now about this morning and my very short night…Incredibly , I was able to wake up from my 40 minutes sleep and get down in time. The drivers were not in time though so I took an additionnal 40 minutes of rest in the hall of the hotel.

The hotel’s cool elevator.

Buh I seem to have weird proportions on this picture. However those are the infinite mirrors. YAY

Buh I seem to have weird proportions on this picture. However those are the infinite mirrors. YAY

Now to my appartment !

And my first videophone !

This place is just awesomely great… Its perfect.

Facts about my appartment:
I got my air conditioning for my computer
I have a phone here. The number is the 4O91O592 but im not sure if its functionning yet.
The wifi works perfectly
The fridge can be locked with keys to protect stuff from the servants. I kinda want to store my computer in it.
There’s buttons everywhere. I havent counted them yet but when i will it’s probably going to be very boring.
There’s a bath tub.
I like the design of my fridge and of my chairs.
There’s an emergency button that looks like a stupid smiley.

They bought us a ton of sweet european food for our arrival ! I WILL SURVIVE !

They bought us a ton of sweet european food for our arrival ! I WILL SURVIVE !


Also I asked If I could take monday 18 august , i ll get the answer tomorrow but they didnt seem to think it was a problem :)

I feel mentally exhausted. My moral Keeps going up and down like a freaking roller coaster from one day to another. But it seems things are getting more stable ? I’m feeling well here, Drauktrubuluworks® is taking well care of us as usual and the beginning at work should be cool and slow, giving me the time to get back in the working mood .
And it seems like you re doing great use of your free time. I know how good it feels to be in creative mood, so I hope you feel as well as I do when I am in that kind of condition. From the ” i almost dont want to go to sleep” it seems quite close to me :)

About your previous post:
Baby, the same happened to me when you came to Paris. You actually made me enjoy my city and realize it’s beautiful… I had never really looked at it before.

Yesterday’s chat was really intense. I always think time flies away incredibly fast, but when I chat with you it’s just radiculous. When I think about it, those 6-7 hours felt like 2 to me…
It’s still so tough to be limitated by words, not to be able to express what I feel.
You cant imagine how happy I was when I saw your post today. Your new rythm of life seems to feel better. Now just kick your headache in the ass of the head !

Also, are you gonna get the french lessons soon ? :B
I wonder when im gonna hear some cute franch language…

Found: Old Videos

July 25, 2008

Nuff Z’Nuff,

I was looking through the work video camera, and found old videos from the company party that you came over for. Awesome!

The rest are here:

Za Buncha Vidiya

July 25, 2008


So here’s a bunch of videos from Sirin’s camera from pizza time.

(watch what is happening to Julia’s ear. Her husband did
this the entire time and it was really strange and hilarious.)


Another Plan

July 24, 2008


Since you’ve been worrying :)
This is the idea I had..

Hey Guess What

July 23, 2008

Chicken Butt,