Introduce sharky !

July 20, 2008

He deserves his own post.

Some memories…

July 20, 2008

…before i goes to sleep.

It’s so marvelous to have this video of you laughing… And well screaming too of course. : )

Also I want to work in the feature movie soundtrack industry.

I Yearn for Video

July 19, 2008


I need to get that damn little underwater camera! I didn’t realize how much I use video until I gave you my camera. I prefer you be able to take picture and video, and now that you have one I need an upgrade ;B

I’m going to take a short nap before I go to band practice. I didn’t get to do the stuff I wanted today, I went to the coffee shop but Sean wasn’t around, so I got a bagel and headed to the phone store to get my iPhone hooked up. I had to wait around for awhile and listen to two highschool girls talking about why they’re mothers are deceiving them, but luckily I downloaded the Super Monkey Ball application on the iPhone and passed my time with it. After about 15 minutes, the guy working at the phone store told me that unless I brought a certain kind of cable it couldn’t be hooked up today. Oh well.

So I came home and cleaned the shiiiit out of my room instead. That made me feel a lot better atleast, just not seeing everything thrown all around the place, and finally unpacking my luggage.

Chef d’oeuvre

July 18, 2008

Dear wonderwoman,
10 seconds of squidness.

( Sorry for the lame quality )


July 18, 2008

Loving love lover,

I dont know what to do show my sorryness but here’s a video of a hedgehog that gilles showed me, anyway. He makes funny moves at the beginning but at the end he’s an icone of cuteness.

A yes ?

We used to find some in my garden in that countryside house, but I was always seeing them hidden in zhee spineball form.

Yo DJ,

So the coworkers did a pretty sweet prank while I was gone, and I came back to this. Man my office rules.

Also you missed a party that was held for your company today, I’m pretty sure. They had some blow-up bouncing thing set up in the grass, and a rock climbing wall that they brought outside. I shit you not. Also tomorrow there is another drinking party in my office, and at the end of July there is going to be a campus wide party outside in the amphitheater. You have to come back, there is too much ridiculous stuff going on!

What DO We Like?

July 17, 2008

Duck ass,

It’s always hard to figure out what music we’ll both be able to enjoy. Well, I know you enjoy phat intense beats and violins, so maybe you’ll like the delightful phatiosity of M83. Noele put them in the mix on my ipod.