Hehehe I knew it !

July 17, 2008

Dear honey,

Guessed that you would notice this lonely comment on flickr. Didnt thought you d make a comment about it though. Was showing the photos to mam, and realized I had forget to answer Noelle’s comment who was aimed at me ! Corrected that before it was too late :U

You never have bad breath either sweetie. Something to do with our brown skin I suppose.
… However I hope I dont smell like puppies too much.

Conquering the France sounds delightful too ! I help ?
How could we share all the photos we took ? You have a lot of photos I’d like to have around like that sad pink scooter smiley, or the plasticbagcat magic photo serie ! Any ideas to share gigs of photos when far from 6 thousands miles ?

PS: mummy porn sounds like a good way to make more moniez.